The Phantom VEO® Family of High-Speed Cameras

As Compact and Rugged, these new families of High-Speed Cameras also focus on Speed and Resolution for a wide range of Scientific and Industrial Applications.

The Vision Research PhantomVEO 710 and VEO 340 incorporate high-performance 12-bit, 35mm CMOS sensors (color or mono) with a choice of lens mount. At maximum resolution, the one-megapixel (1280x800) Phantom VEO 710 and 410 can record at speeds up to 7,400 frames-per-second (fps) and 4,000 fps respectively, while the four-megapixel (2560x1600) VEO 640 and 340 can record at speeds of 1,400 fps and 800 fps respectively. 

One can also observe that, all models also include new features including an HDMI output, Exposure Index controls and Programmable I/O architecture.
Phantom VEO cameras are available with three onboard RAM memory configurations of 18GB, 36GB or 72GB.

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