New MirrorCLEM System for Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy

At the center of stakes, we have the advancement of CLEM analysis in a variety of fields including medical and life sciences.  We have: simplified correlative imaging of one location with both light and scanning electron microscopes.

Based on the reality that, the observation of the same field in a specimen with microscopes at different magnifications and observation characteristics remained a difficult task; the MirrorCLEM system that Hitachi High-Tech and RIKEN subsequently developed is an interesting curve to address the issue by supporting quick and accurate CLEM analysis by using a FE-SEM.

For those who are unfamiliar, various types of microscopes are used in a wide variety of fields such as nanotechnology, materials, medical and life sciences. In the medical and life sciences field in particular, SEMs are used to clarify the ultrastructure of cells and tissues, while a type of light microscope called fluorescence microscopes are being used increasingly to observe the localization and behavior of proteins at the molecular level.

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