Avnet's LSR Wireless Shield for prototyping wireless connected IoT products with customizable sensor/peripheral capabilities

The dynamics around the Internet of Things (IoT) are increasingly mature. Organizations and consumers are steadily aware of the stakes of this emerging technology that impacts each industry in terms of application, service and opportunities.

Avnet's LSR Wireless Shield (in image) is an Arduino form-factor expansion board for prototyping wireless connected IoT products with customizable sensor/peripheral capabilities. 

This new LSR Wireless Shield is using SmartFusion2 system-on-chip (SoC) field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) from Microsemi Corporation (Nasdaq: MSCC.

 a new TiWiConnect™ Wi-Fi Cloud Connectivity Reference Design, integrates Avnet’s SmartFusion2 KickStart Development Board with the new LSR Wireless Shield, with the goal to provide the ability to quickly begin prototyping a cloud-based solution utilizing the TiWiConnect IoT platform.