The new eqo Booster to fix your poor cell coverage

Poor cell coverage is not tolerated in our ever-connected world where all cell phone signals are wireless signals.

The new eqo Booster.

Henceforth, the new eqo Booster as the most cost-effective booster in its category, and constructed for easy plug-and-play set-up, can fix your poor cell coverage in seconds.

The eqo Booster includes two parts including a discrete signal booster and an antenna to broadcast that signal throughout the home.

The new eqo Booster does not require an exterior antenna like boosters from previous generations , and it can amplify signals simultaneously from all major carriers in the US and Canada, including 4G LTE and 3G bands. 

The new eqo Booster is available in-store at select Best Buy and Micro Center retail locations and online at, and for $349.99.

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