New HP Z Workstation configurations are NVIDIA® VR Ready systems

Virtual Reality Content arrives at the rapid pace and device manufacturers are working to meet to tap into this momentum to deliver performance factors, efficient products and technologies that can help content producers and artists develop immersive, visually stimulating content.  

HP Inc., is collaborating with NVIDIA® to deliver workstations for 3D content creators, media professionals, game and application developers, and others to create visually engaging and immersive virtual reality experiences.

One can then discover that, New HP Z Workstation configurations are NVIDIA® VR Ready systems, equipped with NVIDIA® Quadro® professional GPUs. The new configurations can provide the performance necessary for content creators to deliver a seamless and accurate VR experience. 

The content creation configuration features dual NVIDIA® Quadro® M6000 24GB cards with availability planned this quarter. 

The NVIDIA VR Ready™ HP Z Workstation starts at $4,363. The systems are available now, and the Dual M6000 24GB cards are available as an aftermarket option now and integrated in May. Vive by HTC is sold separately.

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