New immersive sense of virtual reality at Oculus, Plus New Oculus Social Features for Samsung Gear VR

Social Trivia, created by Oculus.

Increasingly exciting to observe that, many among us and you believe that, Virtual reality will continue to drive deeper social connections.

At Oculus and Samsung Gear VR, it is obvious this trend emerges with awesome tools, apps, games, devices and services. 

Among latest excitements, one can recall that, henceforth:

  • People with a Samsung Gear VR, powered by Oculus, can create a profile and then easily search for others on the platform by real name or Oculus username,

  • New, made-for-VR games to Gear VR can let you team up with friends or compete against people from all over the world,

  • Social Trivia, created by Oculus, is a new game that can let you and up to four friends compete in a battle of knowledge,

·        Now you can watch Twitch or Vimeo streams in a room with people you know,
·        You can Discover Personalized Facebook Content in Oculus Video

Gladiators, the multiplayer adventure game, is launching on the Oculus Store; pending the release of new tools for developers that make it even easier to create more incredible social VR games and apps.

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