Masimo FDA 510(k) Clearance for Root® with Noninvasive Blood Pressure and Temperature

A new momentum in the healthcare industry with reduced cost of monitoring, as well as potentially improved patient care and patient safety. 

In fact, Masimo brings up FDA 510(k) clearance for noninvasive blood pressure and temperature measurements for the Root® patient monitoring and connectivity platform. 

Root with noninvasive blood pressure from SunTech Medical can enable clinicians to measure arterial blood pressure for adult, pediatric, and neonatal patients, with three distinct measurement modes: spot-check, automatic interval, and stat interval.
With the addition of noninvasive blood pressure and temperature to the Root platform, clinicians can easily and automatically chart vital signs data directly from Root.
One can then observe that, Clinicians on a unit equipped with this technology are expected to be able to continuously monitor their patients and automatically document vital signs while improving workflow, allowing them to spend more time with their patients.

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